Which Tenses to Use in Scientific Writing Or Writing for a Journal/Thesis:
Present tense used for:
- Highlighting the gaps in your research area
- The aim and objective of the article and the application
Past tense used for:
- Highlighting the important methodology and expressing the executive summary of your results
- Achievement can also be expressed in the past perfect tense
Present tense used for:
- Known facts and truths and usually followed by the appropriate research reference
Past tense used for:
- Describing work or experiments that have been conducted and the results of these work
The active voice (for example using "we" or "I") is useful:
- When you discuss previous research and then introduce your own
The passive voice is:
- Not preferable for an introduction but in some sentences, can be perfectly acceptable
Present passive used to:
- Describe what is normally done or to describe a standard procedure
Past passive used to:
- Describe what you did yourself
Results And Discussion:
Present tense used to:
- Present the diagram, figures, tables, and images
- Also used to explain the significance of the results
Past tense used to:
- Detail the results obtained
- You may use past tense to summarize your findings in combination with present tense to interpret or explain the results
Past tense used to:
- Summarize the main findings, the major implications of the study and the limitations of your work
The future tense used to:
- Offer suggestions for future research
Web source: Click here
By: Dr. Hafiz M. Kashif Saleem, M.D.
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